Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers

Friday, August 31, 2012

Warm and Cozy

This is what happens when you tell your children you are a little chilly :)  I had no clue what a pile it was until Chris took the picture!!!  I couldn't see past the brown dog next to my face.  They said they were keeping mommy and new baby warm :)

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Morning at the zoo

 Scoping out the bobcat

 Finding all the wolves

 They thought the reindeer were pretty neat...especially since they could almost touch them!

 Looking for both Alpaca's

 Sea Lion show!!

 This exhibit was the most exciting to Logan :)

 The Rainforest made all of them but Logan the most nervous...there were birds that didn't have to be in cages :)  Cracked me up!!

He wanted to come home with my crazy monkey kids :)


AWANA started and look who's excited!!!  She was in the 3's room last year as a lamb and this year she's in the Cubbies 4's room as an elephant!  She looked like a pro on her 1st night :)

Monday, August 27, 2012

Preschool Open House

 Makenzie will be attending The Sharing Tree Preschool starting Sept. 5th!!!  She will go M/W/F from 9am-11:15am.  She is beyond excited and asked to go back right after we left :)  Grandpa Fulkerson got to join in on the fun since he needed to meet the teacher so she doesn't think he's stealing a child when he helps me transport! Just so happened that he already knew the teacher....he sold her a car!!!! The above picture is in front of the art room.....LOVE the floors!!!

 This is just a part of the dress up section....I'm sure she will be a frequent visitor to this spot :)

 Her hook for bag and coat.

 Craft station.....coloring a mouse and then made a puppet mouse!!!  The theme is "If you give a mouse a cookie, he will..." They had to do a scavenger hunt to find all the rooms and main spots in the school area so they are better aquainted for the first day. When they were done they got a bag of cookies....which she immediately asked her teacher to open and ate :)  She is also sitting in her chair she'll sit in for school time :)  Yep...gotta take pictures of it all!!!

Her teacher, Mrs. Pals :)  All the teachers and teachers aids were soooo lovely!!!!  The director and I could have talked all afternoon....apparently we're both chatty :) Excited and nervous for our baby to start school....she'd better enjoy the partial days now because next year is kindergarten!

Adam and Melanie's Clan

 My older brother and his kids came for a visit over the weekend and we got to have some fun with them!!!  Easier to visit family when the grandparents live in your town now!!  We swam in our pool and played mini golf at state farm park on friday then swam at grandma fulkerson's on saturday!  Next time bring Melanie :)

 All sacked out after swimming.

 Caleb turns for Aug. 28th and requested mini golf for his birthday.  Glad we could get them all in at our park for free!!!!  Couldn't imagine paying for all the kids just to watch them hit the ball a million times....then pick it up and place it in the hole.  All while Logan is trying to steal a ball here and there and run off with a putter :)

Thursday, August 23, 2012

First Cornbelters Game

 Before the game they have activities for the kids...this was Rising Star Academy with some tumbling mats.

 Pitching game...he also did a batting one but the picture didn't show up on my computer for some reason.

 2 bounce houses...guess where Makenzie was at most of the time :)  Guess we need to invest in a trampoline for next summer!

 The game started!!  The kids finished their reading program at the library and in their packet of free and fun stuff were 4 tickets each to the Normal Cornbelters game!!  We decided we needed to invite our favorite people with...and their kids...which equaled exactly 12!!  Thanks for joining us D's and J's!!!
 Bubbles were more entertaining than the game :)

 It was also Dave's Birthday!!!
 Chillin' with daddy didn't last too long since running up and down the hill and playing in the rocks was far more entertaining :)